I got my Arduino UNO working with a 1602 LCD display (16x2). Just a simple "Hello World" message and a counter for now. This build uses the LiquidCrystal library from Arduino's website. The library allows you to use any LCD display that is supported by the Hitachi HD44780 driver. The example sketch contained in the library is what I'm using to display "Hello World" with. Thanks Limor Fried at Pro Trinket. All for now.
Retailers are getting sneakier and sneakier about their online ads. Earlier today I was on Facebook and this Lowe's ad above popped up. Yes, I was browsing window cranks the other day. Umm. No I already got my window crank fix thanks. I'm not thinking about it anymore. Stuff like this makes you want to be careful about what you browse for. Just a pet peeve I thought I'd share.
If anyone's interested here's Lowe's Privacy and Security Policy on these and other tactics.